Due to an increase in the COVID-19 transmission in some EU regions, the Norwegian Institute of Public Health tighten the rules for entry.

Special for Danish residencies / employees:  self-quarantine or planned COVID-19 test for employees residing in Central Jutland and South and Central Zealand before entering Norway will be mandatory from 15 Aug.

Upon arrival in Norway you mus wear a mask and travel directly to the destination where your self-quarantine or COVID test is carried out.

ID check and work can commence when you  can provide a begative COVID-test or after 10 days of self-quarantine.

Employees residing in other parts of Europe: There may be requirements for self-quarantine or planned COVID-19 tests before entry to Norway.

You will find a very informative map on the NIPH (Norwegian Institute of Public Health) website

Find the map and read more here: Travel-advise-COVID-19 

New entry rules from 15 Aug 2020