We are now 2 months into the new VAT One Stop Shop rules (OSS). The rules address the administrative and financial costs that were the consequences of the former distance selling threshold.

In TIMEVAT, however, we experience that not all “hassle” is solved with an OSS registration.

With the increasing globalization and the accelerated online sale, the business complexity of both small and large businesses is amplified. In TIMEVAT, we therefore see more and more companies combining their own web sales with sales from digital platforms. These companies will often also have sales to NON-EU countries such as Norway and the UK (which have their own – not identical – rules for handling BtC sales and sales from digital platforms).

Some of these companies also have warehouses in several countries for both online commerce and sales from digital platforms such as AMAZON FBA and Zalando.

For many, this increased business complexity means that OSS reporting must be combined with reporting in other countries. Here it is important partly to have strong competencies within data processing and partly to have knowledge of the company’s registration and reporting obligations.

Do you have challenges with data processing and are unsure of what to report where? Then TIMEVAT has developed a tool that can combine your data with, for example, data from digital platforms for accurate reporting.